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Castel del Corner

Castel Nuovo (Kasteli Messara)

Charakas Fortress

Koules in Magarikari

Koules in Meronas

Koules in Vathiako

Explore the Koules in Vathiako, a ruined Ottoman fortress in Crete, and learn about its role in controlling the island and protecting the Muslim village

Koules of Potamoi Dam

Liopetro Fortress: A Venetian Stronghold Overlooking the Cretan Sea

Melesses fortress

Mesokastellas between Kalamafka and Anatoli

Mesokastellas Fortress: Byzantine ruins in the Dikti Mountains, Crete. Strategically positioned with panoramic views, occupied from prehistoric to Venetian times.

Palaiokastro Fortress: Guardian of Heraklion Bay

The Koules of Mylopotamos

Explore the ruins of the Koules of Mylopotamos, a 14th-century Venetian fortress in Crete, and discover the history of the Kallergis family's rebellion.

Tower of Eleutherna

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